Share Energy, Save the Environment

Creating Self-sustaining Communities
For you. For your city. For the whole planet

Welcome to Hoolia Energy

Revolutionizing the industry with its "Distributed DataCenter" based on 100% renewable energy!

With our deepest belief in the concept of circular economy, we have generated a brilliant idea:
Repurpose waste heat from DataCenters to heat Office Buildings, by bringing small “DataCenter modules” running on 100% pure Green Renewable & Recycled Energy!


Ending the cycle of Big Centralized DataCenter. It is time to create micro-grid communities and give power back to the people.


Watch this video for more information.

The reasons behind this idea

Economical Risk

Gas is a finite resource, and increasing reliance on it could contribute to energy insecurity and price volatility in the long term.


Natural gas prices become more volatile, because of various geopolitical, economic, and social changes that the world is experiencing.


Companies that use natural gas may be perceived as contributing to environmental and climate change in comparison with companies that use green energy and that add value and create a good reputation among rivals.

Changing Plans

The Dutch government aims to reduce CO2 emissions by a whopping 49/ by 2030. Offsets are a cost and do not have a financial return on investment compared to other operational efficiencies such as on-site solar. which means the price of natural gas and electricity is likely to become more expensive.

The Installation

The material that makes the magic happen

The Financial Benefits

Here is what to expect with our solution

We pay you rent for a corner of your utility room to setup our DataCenter Modules and rent for your roof to place solarpanels. The space you want to allocate for our system can be variable and adapted to your case.

Expect to save about 66% on building heating cost with our green renewable energy system.

The government guarantees a success with its SDE++ subsidy offering a guarenteed steady revenue for a much as 15 years if you use a sustainable source of energy. Following this advantage, we propose contracts from 10 to 15 years.

Become 100% owner of the solar panels after 15 years.

On average, a solarpanel's lifespan is between 25 and 30 years

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